Preparing for the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood trial
The East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood trial scheme is being installed in November and December 2024 with some preparatory works set to get underway in the coming weeks.
The project aims to make the area safer, healthier and greener by achieving a better balance between how streets are used for transport and people.
It will see measures, including bus gates and point closures on roads using planters, bollards and pocket parks, installed across Barton Hill and parts of Redfield and St George.
To prepare everyone ahead of the trial, the council has produced a short film that sets out the changes and how people will be able to travel within and through the Liveable Neighbourhood.
It explains how walking, wheeling and cycling throughout the trial area will be safer and easier, while the routes people drive to their home or other areas within the Liveable Neighbourhood are likely to change.
Online one-to-one travel planning sessions with transport officers can be booked ahead of the trial. These are tailored sessions to help people navigate the new routes.
Organisations and businesses can also request that a member of the Liveable Neighbourhood team visits them to take them through the trial changes. This can either be with management or members of staff, in person or online.
The council will be seeking views on the trial in 2025 to see how the scheme may change before a decision is made on a permanent layout, which will also include extra street lighting, new crossings with traffic signals, sections of cycle track and street trees.
The East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood pilot project is being funded from the UK Government’s City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement, administered by the West of England Combined Authority.
To find out more, access the resources, and book a travel planning session, go to the ‘Preparing for the trial’ section of