Bus real time information apps

The best place to find a real time information app that works for you.
The best place to start is by visiting your Operating System or Device App Store and searching for relevant keywords such as “bus real times UK” (this is just an example, feel free to try any other keywords you may prefer!).
You can then read the description, see screenshots and confirm if there is any price associated with the app before you make a decision.
Here are the most popular Operating System stores available. You need to choose the relevant one based on the type of device you own, and see below for some apps we know about.
Apps we know about
We know of some free mobile and web apps that may just provide everything you need!
Travelwest web app
Our own web app. It works with any browser in any type of device, so you don’t need to install an app. It provides a lot more functionality than just bus real time, such as journey planning, route maps and timetables, so it’s perfect for the traveller that needs extra information.
Traveline South West App
For comprehensive and impartial public transport information across Great Britain for all modes of public transport.
NextBuses web app
Traveline also owns and manages NextBuses, a simple web app to check bus arrivals in real time. With NextBuses you don’t need to download an app, it will work on any browser from any type of device.
UK Bus Checker mobile app
This app is free to download and you can use it anywhere in the UK to check when your bus is arriving at the bus stop in real time.
First Bus mobile app
The First Bus App is totally free to download and use and provides information for First Buses only, UK wide.
Stagecoach mobile app
Free to download to provide journey planning, live bus information and mobile bus tickets for Stagecoach services only.
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with other apps besides our own Travelwest Web App and the list above is for information purposes only. This should not be interpreted as an official recommendation and we take no responsibility for any of the apps listed. You must use your own judgement when deciding to download an app to your device.