Bristol School Streets: Shirehampton Primary School
Bristol City Council and Shirehampton Primary School are working together to make the journey to school safer.
To date, Bristol City Council has successfully launched the School Streets scheme with thirteen primary schools in the city, and we are now looking to extend this to Shirehampton Primary School.
We are now seeking feedback on the proposals. To give your opinion please fill in the survey which will close on 14 April 2025.
The main aims of Bristol School Streets are to:
- Lower the volume of traffic around the school gates
- Improve road safety for pupils and their families
- Encourage more pupils to walk, wheel, cycle or scoot to school
- Improve the air quality and environment at the school gates, making it a more pleasant space for everyone

To reduce traffic danger and congestion in the area, Bristol City Council is proposing to turn X into a walking, wheeling, cycling and scooting-only zone at school drop off and pick up times.
Vehicles would not be permitted to enter the zone for approximately 1 hour in the morning between 8:15am and 9:15am and 1 hour in the afternoon between 2:30pm and 3:30pm. Emergency vehicles, Blue Badge holders and residents of the affected section of Springfield Avenue would be exempt from these restrictions.
Please note, a permanent one-way system has also been proposed on Springfield Avenue between Burnham Road and Grove Leaze. This one-way system would be in place 24 hours and 7 days a week.
The scheme can be enforced by the police. The penalty for ignoring the rules is a fixed penalty notice. Advanced warning signs would be installed, and temporary barriers placed at the entrance to the scheme and monitored by school staff. All vehicles already parked in the zone before the times of operation would be able to exit without incurring a fixed penalty notice.
School Streets will make it easier for Blue Badge holders to access the school entrances by reducing traffic outside the school gates. Those holding valid Blue Badges will be exempt from the restrictions but existing parking restrictions (e.g. double yellow lines) still apply. We will ask that Blue Badge holders display their Blue Badge clearly in the windscreen of their vehicle and they may be stopped and asked to confirm their details on some occasions.
We would ask people with additional access requirements and those with disabilities to contact the Bristol School Streets team to discuss any personal access needs as they may be eligible for an exemption access permit.
Parents or carers dropping children at school will not be eligible for an exemption, unless you or your child are a Blue Badge holder, resident of the affected section of Springfield Avenue or have access needs. We are pleased that parents at our existing Bristol School Streets schools are embracing the scheme and are choosing to walk, cycle or scoot where possible.
School staff will need to be inside the School Street zone area before it comes into operation. Only staff who have a Blue Badge will be exempt. School staff will be able to leave the zone during the times of operation without requiring an access permit.
Bristol School Streets aims to encourage and prioritise a safe environment around schools to allow for walking, wheeling, cycling and scooting. Parents and carers who feel they need to drive will need to park legally nearby and walk the remainder of the journey.
We are working with the school to promote active travel to school, which includes walking, wheeling, wheeling, cycling and scooting. We are also looking at identifying suitable park and stride locations, enabling parents and carers to park slightly further away from the school and walk the remaining distance.
Evidence suggests that where School Streets have been implemented, the result is a reduction in car use rather than displacement to surrounding streets. We would continue to monitor the impact of the scheme once it has been implemented.
The affected section of Springfield Avenue should be visibly calmer and feel safer during these times. Data will be collected before the scheme is implemented and monitored once the measures are in place, so we can access the change in traffic levels and how pupils are travelling to school. We will continue to review feedback from the school and local community.
Bristol City Council would like to hear your views on the proposals which can be done by taking part in a short survey. The survey can be accessed by clicking the link below and will close at 5pm on X.