
133: Walking and Cycling: Build it and will they come?

133: Walking and Cycling: Build it and will they come?

Top line: In the short term new local walking and cycling routes may largely displace existing trips. However, the routes can generate new trips in the longer term, particularly among those unable to access more distant locations by car.

132: Children & young people’s views on local travel and constraints on mode choice

132: Children & young people’s views on local travel and constraints on mode choice

Top line: Children and young people’s views are often absent when adults are designing and redesigning transport systems. Yet they have rights and often strong desires to travel sustainably as well as constructive views as to developing sustainable travel solutions.

131: Induced Motor Traffic

131: Induced Motor Traffic

Top line: Studies of transport schemes consistently report that increasing road capacity leads to increased motor traffic to a greater extent than calculated in the models underpinning the proposals for such capacity expansion. This creates a vicious spiral of increasing private motorised travel.

130: Democratic Streets

130: Democratic Streets

Top line: Democratic streets, as a concept is not new. It can be defined as one where streets are well used and invite direct participation, provide opportunities for discovery and adventure, and that are locally controlled and broadly accessible.

129: Respiratory responses to short-term exposure to traffic related air pollution

129: Respiratory responses to short-term exposure to traffic related air pollution

Top line: Recent evidence shows that intermittent moderate physical activity increases pulmonary function irrespective of high levels of traffic-related air pollution.

128: Improving urban air quality through increased cycling use

128: Improving urban air quality through increased cycling use

Top line: Even modest increases in urban cycling gained from reductions in motor vehicle use could lead to improvements in respiratory health let alone the benefits of increased physical activity. There are also significant benefits to the economy including healthcare.

