
103: Traffic noise and health

103: Traffic noise and health

Top line: Fifty-five per cent of those living in urban areas with more than 250 000 inhabitants in the EU – almost 67 million people – endure daily road noise levels above the lower EU benchmark for excess exposure.

102: Health benefits of mass recreational programmes

102: Health benefits of mass recreational programmes

Top line: Calculations as to the economic effectiveness of mass recreational programmes in four cities suggests that the public health outcomes are beneficial due to an increase in the number of people physically active.

No 101: Digital natives and car use

No 101: Digital natives and car use

Top line: A generation born with the rise of the internet age are developing travel behaviours significantly dissimilar to older generations. These ‘digital natives’ are often prioritising internet use over car use. This change could have profound implications for transport policy.

No. 100 The Concept of Progress: Myth or reality?

No. 100 The Concept of Progress: Myth or reality?

Top line: Progress is a concept entwined with advances in a science and technology. It has been appropriated by decision makers to help promote a transport system designed for car use and a minority of the population.

No. 99 Intelligence-led traffic policing: Motoring Offences and Other Offences

No. 99 Intelligence-led traffic policing: Motoring Offences and Other Offences

Top line: Most motorists are not criminals but most criminal are motorists. Intelligence-led policing following up traffic violations can be a cost-effective means of addressing other criminal activities.

98: In sickness and in health at work: the importance of physical activity

98: In sickness and in health at work: the importance of physical activity

Top line: The is a high cost to employers from absenteeism and potentially even greater costs from presenteeism. Increasing physical activity through active travel opportunities and activities during the work day are highly likely to be cost effective in improving health.

