
85: The health impacts of reducing short car tips

85: The health impacts of reducing short car tips

Top line: High car dependence is related to low physical activity, and low physical activity is related to major economic losses through premature deaths. Just replacing one short car trip a day by walking could avoid many deaths per year and gain huge economic benefits through such interventions.

84: Physical Activity compensation in British 8–13 year olds

84: Physical Activity compensation in British 8–13 year olds

Top line: There is no evidence among young people that becoming more physically active through certain activities leads to a compensating reduction in other activities. Active travel also allows children to leave their low-activity homes to play or visit friends.

83: Bike-rail integration?

83: Bike-rail integration?

Top line: Bike–rail integration can make a contribution to reducing both carbon emissions and car dependence, but a lack of integration within the rail industry and other agencies is limiting the delivery of policies to enhance the opportunities.

82: Severance, social support and health

82: Severance, social support and health

Top line: With an ageing population there is a strong case for ensuring that people are able to develop or at least maintain strong social support networks which are not damaged by prioritisation of motorised over pedestrian traffic.

81: Physical activity by stealth? The potential health benefits of a workplace transport plan

81: Physical activity by stealth? The potential health benefits of a workplace transport plan

Top line: The University of Bristol Transport Plan was initiated to reduce congestion and parking. Increasing physical activity or improved health was not an objective of the policy yet has likely contributed to both.

No. 80 Measuring Transport performance

No. 80 Measuring Transport performance

Top line: Even where motor traffic flows are acceptable in terms of throughput, private motor vehicle use is still something to be managed and minimised in the interest of air quality, energy conservation, accessibility and general social welfare.

