
79: The paradox of the effective speed concept

79: The paradox of the effective speed concept

Top line: The impacts of speed on health are far more subtle and pervasive than simply effects on road safety. Slower modes should be encouraged because they enable a range of healthy and sustainable behaviours.

78: Neighbourhoods and mental well-being

78: Neighbourhoods and mental well-being

Top line: While addressing physical and social disorder is a priority in neighbourhoods where this is a problem, mental well-being at large is dependent on a broader range of characteristics including facilities for active travel, public transport and green space.

77: Is your local area a good place for young people to grow up?

77: Is your local area a good place for young people to grow up?

Top line: Among 11–16 year olds in Wales, those who reported living with busy traffic and car parking were found to be less likely to have positive perceptions of the safety, friendliness, appearance, play facilities and helpfulness of the people in their local area.

76: Benefits of shift from car to active travel

76: Benefits of shift from car to active travel

Top line: Active transport offers an effective antidote for the harmful health effects of a sedentary lifestyle. Among the health effects the most important and best established is a gain in healthy life expectancy. This is reflected is significant financial savings to society.

75: Accident: No such thing?

75: Accident: No such thing?

Top line: Most collisions with the potential for harm in road transport are not accidents but crashes which may have a number of causes – most often involving human error – and are therefore preventable.

74 Can parents affect the likelihood of young drivers having accidents?

74 Can parents affect the likelihood of young drivers having accidents?

Top line: Parental involvement can help to reduce the risk of accidents amongst young drivers. Helping parents to impose restrictions on early teen driving reduces risky behaviour and increases positive outcomes.

