
25: Cycling Safety – Lessons from The Netherlands, Denmark and Germany

25: Cycling Safety – Lessons from The Netherlands, Denmark and Germany

Top line: Evidence from countries with high cycling levels suggests that the key is the provision of separate cycling facilities along heavily travelled roads and at intersections, combined with residential street traffic calming.

24: Economic Benefits of Cycling

24: Economic Benefits of Cycling

Top line: Economic analysis of cycling interventions suggests that average benefit per additional cyclist is £590 per year, and that small increases in cycling numbers can justify investment in new cycling infrastructure principally due to the health benefits which accrue.

23: Mass community cycling events

23: Mass community cycling events

Top line: While the public health evidence base as to the effectiveness of mass cycle rides is limited in this study participants who were novice riders or first time participants significantly increased their number of bicycle rides in the month after the event.

22: Inverse Care Law

22: Inverse Care Law

Top line: The frequency with which parents advocate for child safety varies inversely with the need for it. Models of health promotion based on community ownership and empowerment alone are unlikely to address the steep socioeconomic gradients in childhood injury mortality.

21: Obtaining a driving licence and interventions to influence the decision

21: Obtaining a driving licence and interventions to influence the decision

Top line: Information supplied to young adults about negative aspects of car use before a driving licence is acquired may have a positive impact on their mode use, at least in the short term.

20: Health Impact Assessment (HIA)

20: Health Impact Assessment (HIA)

Top line: HIA can be a useful tool whereby health impacts of policies, programmes and interventions and their distribution across the population can be assessed in order to enhance positive and reduce negative health impacts identified.

