
19: Unintended health impacts of road transport policies and interventions

19: Unintended health impacts of road transport policies and interventions

Top line: Transport interventions have important potential impacts on health and health inequalities and these need to be better understood by policy makers and practitioners if unintended harm is not to be inflicted on population or sub-population groups.

18: The role of habit in travel behaviour

18: The role of habit in travel behaviour

Top line: Personalised journey planning can increase awareness of alternative modes to car use and change travel behaviour even among those with a strong car habit.

17: Using pedometers to increase physical activity and improve health

17: Using pedometers to increase physical activity and improve health

Top line: There is strong evidence that pedometer users increase steps taken by an average of over 2000 steps more than among those not using pedometers.

16: Objective monitoring, children’s travel and physical fitness

16: Objective monitoring, children’s travel and physical fitness

Top line: Increased emphasis on improving the physical and built environment, and addressing parental concerns about children’s safety, are important determinants of children’s physical activity and fitness levels.

15: Vision Zero

15: Vision Zero

Top line: Lowering speed limits in urban areas in Sweden has reduced injuries to cyclists and pedestrians by 50 percent.

14: A healthy school journey

14: A healthy school journey

Top line: in Denmark improving the modal share of walking and cycling among children is strongly associated with reducing motor traffic speeds along routes to schools.

