
145: Transport walking and the importance of urban neighbourhoods

145: Transport walking and the importance of urban neighbourhoods

Top line: Stressing the importance of the home neighbourhood, the origin of most walking trips, is a way to meet the needs of local populations when planning for walking. Residents may know well their neighbourhood and give it a meaning that makes them particularly relevant users of these spaces. Acknowledging this may contribute to improve walking conditions that better fit all.

144: Beyond Best Practice in Road Safety thinking – seeking a culture change

144: Beyond Best Practice in Road Safety thinking – seeking a culture change

Top line: A culture change is needed for a safe systems approach to achieve objectives of eradicating deaths and life changing injuries on the road. Political commitment, public support, cooperation across agencies and coordination are essential ingredients.

143: Essential Evidence on a page: Further evidence of declining independent mobility among children in England

143: Essential Evidence on a page: Further evidence of declining independent mobility among children in England

Top line: Children’s independent mobility – or the freedom of children to get about in their local neighbourhood without adult supervision – has been shown to be important to their wellbeing and development. Loss of independent mobility has adverse effects on children’s well-being and development.

142: Kinetic Energy Management, Haddon’s Matrix, and Road Safety

142: Kinetic Energy Management, Haddon’s Matrix, and Road Safety

Top line: Taking a system approach to road traffic injury prevention, road traffic injury is the result of energy transfer. Understanding the role of kinetic energy is important for all stakeholders in road traffic injury preventive activities.

141: Transport & Poverty

141: Transport & Poverty

Top line: Use of the transport system to meet basic needs should not place undue burden on people in terms of their monetary and time budgets, their physical and mental capabilities, and anxiety levels. Any negative environmental or societal impacts of such a system should be minimal, and should not be unfairly distributed to those worst off.

140 How much can active travel contribute to reducing the disease burden?

140 How much can active travel contribute to reducing the disease burden?

Top line: Active travel appears to be a key means through which populations can routinely achieve at least the minimum recommended levels of physical activity in order to protect against sedentary lifestyle diseases.

