Dundry Lane improvements set for February

Work to improve the condition of Dundry Lane, Dundry will begin on Monday 17 February.

The scheme, which will include a road closure and parking restrictions, will be carried out in two stages, and take two weeks to complete.

The first stage, which will run until Friday 21 February, will involve road resurfacing and general maintenance work on Dundry Lane. This will be carried out from the Dundry Lane junction with Church Road, to its junction with Highridge Road, and from the Church Road junction to 70m south of Dundry Lane.

To minimise disruption to Dundry C of E Primary School, a road closure will be in place from 8am to 5pm during the school half-term holidays.

Pavement patching and minor kerb replacement works will also be carried out in this first stage, on the first 750m of Dundry Lane, from the junction with the A38 Bridgwater Road. In order to complete these works, parking will need to be restricted, and traffic cones put in place.

The second stage of the scheme will involve road resurfacing and general maintenance, from the junction of the first 750m of Dundry Lane, running south from the junction with the A38 Bridgwater Road. These works will take place between Monday 24 February and Friday 28 February, under a road closure.  

Again, in order to complete these works, parking will need to be restricted and traffic cones put in place. Access to adjoining roads will be maintained where possible.

The scheme is expected to cause some disruption and drivers, businesses and residents are thanked for their patience while these essential works are completed.  

This is an important maintenance scheme for Dundry Lane, which will help to enhance the longer-term resilience of the road, and improve conditions for everyone using it. We really appreciate everyone’s patience while we undertake these works and are doing what we can to minimise disruption, by scheduling this work to start outside of term time.  

“Please be aware however that people will need to be prepared to park elsewhere during the scheme, to allow this work to be undertaken as smoothly and efficiently as possible for the community. We are writing to directly affected residents and businesses to make them aware, and we urge everyone to please check www.one.network for the latest diversion information before you travel.

Cllr Hannah Young, Executive Member for Highways and Transport at North Somerset Council

The condition of Dundry Lane has deteriorated considerably over the years, and residents have long desired improvements to be made. I am delighted, therefore, that this work has now been scheduled.

Cllr Annemieke Waite, North Somerset Council’s ward member for Dundry

For more information, visit www.n-somerset.gov.uk/roadworks. For any further updates, visit the North Somerset Travel and Roads Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/NStravelandroads 

Original press release by North Somerset Council