Help shape Transport Hub and travel options for Nailsea
Residents and business in Nailsea are invited to attend an engagement event this month to help shape the future of a transport hub and have their say on walking, wheeling and cycling routes in the town.
The public event will take place on:
Date: Saturday 25 January
Time: 11am – 3pm
Location: Outside Waitrose on the High Street in Nailsea town centre.
Council officers will be available to discuss potential plans and schemes.
Walking, Cycling and Wheeling
Following previous engagement with local schools and key stakeholders to understand local concerns and aspirations, Nailsea residents will be invited to review initial plans at this drop-in session in the town.
Transport Hub
Officers will also be available to discuss the proposed transport hub for Nailsea, giving the chance for communities to influence the initial concept designs for these important transport facilities.
For communities, transport hubs are intended to offer useful facilities that make it easier and more appealing to travel on foot, by wheel and by bus – providing a connection point between these different forms of transport. They also offer an attractive focal point for communities, helping to boost town and village centres.
If you live or work in Nailsea, please do come along to our event. North Somerset Council is working with the local community to help make it easier for people to get to school, work, the shops and travel for leisure and is an exciting opportunity to help directly shape the designs and tailor them to the needs of the community.
Councillor Hannah Young, Executive Member for Highways and Transport at North Somerset Council
Plans for walking, wheeling and cycling, which support the council’s commitment to improve sustainable travel routes, include a range of short, medium and long-term projects (that would require future funding).
The transport hub initiative is UK Government-funded through the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP), with funding awarded specifically for this purpose. Visit