How we use cookies

This website complies with the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) (Amendment) Regulations of 2011. 


A “cookie” is a file stored on your computer. It stores small amounts of information to help make our website work. They don’t run any codes and don’t contain viruses and will only be read by us.At a basic level cookies will: 

  • Allow the site to work properly, and help keep it secure. 
  • Help site owners understand how people use the website. 
  • Make the site easier to use by remembering information that you’ve entered. 
  • Improve your experience by showing you information that’s relevant to you. 


Types of cookies we use 

We use cookies that allow us to track traffic patterns on the website to identify popular content and potential issues with it. We also use cookies to measure how visitors interact with our website so we can improve our content and provide you with the best service. 

Cookies issued by third parties 

(a) We use Google Analytics to gather information about how visitors use our website. Google Analytics has its own cookies, and the information generated by these is transmitted to Google. This information is used for statistical reports that allow us to measure and analyse metrics such as, but not limited to, visits to the website and pages, and average time spent on site. For more information please visit Google Analytics information page 
(b) Third parties may set or retrieve cookies on your machine, if you are logged in to these websites, or have previously downloaded cookies controlled by these sites. Third parties may include, but are not limited to, social plug-ins or websites that provide information about transport services, locations on a map and directions that use data provided by third parties. This is beyond our control and we recommend you visit their website to research their cookies and privacy policies. 
(c) We sometimes may perform security or IT tests to our website using contracted suppliers. These might generate cookies that will allow to further test site performance, features and user navigation. 


You have the freedom to change the settings in your browser so that it warns you each time a website is placing a cookie in your device, or you can turn all cookies off. You’ll have to look at your browser’s Help menu to learn how to modify the way it handles cookies. Just keep in mind that some features in some websites might not function properly if you’re not allowing cookies. 
Please note: if you choose to view the website without cookies you will see the cookies notification each time you visit. This is because without cookies you will appear to be a new visitor each time. If your browser has been set not to use cookies our website will not override this but you will still see the notification bar. Dismissing the bar will not set cookies if you have them turned off.