South Gloucestershire Travel to Work Survey Results
South Gloucestershire data includes all responses from people who work at participating organisations’ sites that are located in the South Gloucestershire Council area.
- This will include people who both live and work in South Gloucestershire and those who commute into the area.
- In 2024, there were 10,449 responses (52% of total survey) for the South Glos UA area. In 2023, there were 7,509 responses (45% of total).
- This year, 79 organisations based in South Gloucestershire UA took part in the survey – 29 of these also took part in 2023, 44 were new to the survey and 6 came back after taking a break.
1. The % of people spending the majority of their time at the workplace has fallen. 56% of people say they are spending the majority of their working hours at a workplace while 41% are spending the majority of their working hours at home. In 2023, the figures were 61% and 36% respectively and in 2022 they were 52% and 45%.

2. Hybrid working is still popular. 94% of people go into work at least 1 day a week, this is up from 91% in 2023. 52% go into work 3 or more days a week, this is down from 58% in 2023.

2.1 Midweek is when the majority of people are going into the office. Tuesday is still the busiest day with 63% (same as in 2023) and Friday is still the quietest with only 29% (down from 36% in 2023).

2.2 72% of people continue to work at home at least 1 day a week, this is up from 68% in 2023. 37% are working from home 3 or more days a week, this is up from 33% in 2023.

3. 69.5% of respondents are commuting by car. 62% are driving alone by car (up from 60% in 2023) and more people, 7.5%, are car sharing (up from 7.1% in 2023).
4. 14% of respondents are commuting by active travel. This figure is the same as in2023. More people are walking (5.8%) and fewer are cycling (8.0%) into work (the figures for 2023 were 5.0% and 9.3% respectively).
5. 10% of respondents are commuting by public transport. This is the same as in 2023. However, fewer, 5.6%, are taking the bus (down from 7.2% in 2023) and more, 4.5%, are catching the train into work (this is up from 2.7% in 2023).
Bus includes public bus, metrobus, employer bus, park & ride and WESTlink.
6. 5% of respondents are working all the time from home. This is lower than the 2023 and 2022 figure (7.4% and 5.8% respectively) but higher than the 2020 and 2019 surveys (both just under 0.5%).

7. Those commuting by train are travelling into work the least – on average, 2.1 days per week (down from 2.4 days in 2023). Those commuting by walking are travelling into work the most – on average 3.5 days per week followed closely by cycling (on average 3.3 days) and car share/bus (both on average 3.1 days). This is similar to 2023 but the average number of days have reduced slightly.
8. People who walk, cycle or scoot to work have higher journey satisfaction than those who use public transport or road-based transport (car, motorbike). People are also more satisfied with their journey to work than from work across most travel modes. Satisfaction rates for working from home have decreased slightly from 94% in 2023 to 93% in 2024.
If your organisation would like to find out more about the Annual Travel to Work Survey in South Gloucestershire please email: [email protected]