Brunel Way overnight closures coming up this month
Avon Bridge on Brunel Way (A3029) is set to close overnight in alternate directions for ten nights in March, to allow the council to carry out essential maintenance work to replace an expansion joint that has failed.
The work will take place overnight, meaning one side of the dual carriageway will be closed and a signposted diversion put in place.
There will also be a single lane closure in place during the day throughout the works, to make sure heavy vehicles do not disturb the repairs.
In a change to the previously released programme, the first closure will be southbound heading towards Ashton Gate from Monday 17 to Saturday 22 March between 7pm and 6am.
The southbound diversion will go from Hotwell Road onto Anchor Road, then onto the A38 to St James Barton Roundabout, then down the A4044 Bond Street, continuing on the A4044 along Temple Way to Bath Bridges Roundabout, then onto the A370 Clarence Road to Bedminster Bridges Roundabout.
The diversion route will split from there with traffic travelling on the A4 Portway towards Avonmouth via Brunel Lock Road directed onto Commercial Road, and then Cumberland Road, Smeaton Road, Brunel Lock Road and back onto Brunel Way.
Traffic wishing to get back onto Brunel Way southbound will go from Bedminster Bridges Roundabout onto A370 Coronation Road, Clift House Road, and then left at Jessop Underpass onto Brunel Way.
The second closure will be northbound heading towards Hotwells and Clifton from Monday 24 to Saturday 29 March between 7pm and 6am.
The northbound diversion will go from Brunel Way onto Jessop Underpass, Clift House Road and Coronation Road, across Bedminster Bridge, along Commercial Road and Cumberland Road, then onto Brunel Lock Road.
Anyone planning to drive over Cumberland Basin flyover during these overnight works are warned to expect delays throughout.
Following on from the emergency work in January and February, we are continuing with our planned work to replace the expansion joint.
Councillor Ed Plowden, Chair of the Transport and Connectivity Committee
This is part of our ongoing maintenance of this structure. We recommend planning ahead and leaving more time for your journeys or finding alternative routes for these upcoming one-way closures.
“Thank you for your patience while we continue to maintain this aging part of our transport infrastructure