
Ambitious wayfinding projects to direct pedestrians around Weston’s town centre have been put in locations across the seafront and the high street.

Using the Super Weston branding, a host of brand-new finger posts and monoliths have been put within the town centre with striking images of Weston to update the current pedestrian signs around the town. Work has also taken place at The Sovereign, with an improved High Street entrance and eye-catching artwork on the Salisbury Terrace side of the building. 

The wayfinding scheme aims to encourage footfall to the High Street, Grove Village, Orchard Meadows, and the High Street, making it easier for people to find their way around the town centre and visit places of interest. This will be especially helpful during SEE MONSTER.

North Somerset Council and Weston Town Council funded this activity; which is complemented by the temporary art exhibits which have been presented by Culture Weston and local artists around the town; with the Weston BID team helping to create the route and choose the designs.

This project is an excellent example of what can be achieved when Weston partners work together to create something that benefits the local business and visitor economy.

Cllr Mark Canniford, Executive Member for Placemaking and Economy, at North Somerset Council

We are delighted to be working with North Somerset Council on these wayfinding signs. We have been keen for some time to have clear directions for both people visiting our town and people who live here. There are some real hidden gems in Weston, such as our Museum and these signs act as a friendly reminder what a wonderful town we have.

Malcolm Nicholson, Town Clerk and Weston Town Council

The project is part of North Somerset Council’s Super Weston Placemaking Strategy, which aims to highlight the very best of Weston-super-Mare as the ideal place to live, work and invest.

Press release by North Somerset Council.

Next steps for multi-million-pound transport schemes

Next steps for multi-million-pound transport schemes

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Brunel Way overnight closures coming up this month

Brunel Way overnight closures coming up this month

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Weston Bus Interchange improvements from Mon 10 April

Weston Bus Interchange improvements from Mon 10 April

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Bus bonanza for West of England

Bus bonanza for West of England

This package would start on 1 April 2025 and run until 31 March 2026. It would represent a £1.3 million investment from the Mayoral Combined Authority’s Bus Grant allocation and further funding from that of North Somerset Council: supporting more people to travel cheaply – or for free – and sustainably by public transport.

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Have your say on 20mph proposals for Congresbury

Have your say on 20mph proposals for Congresbury

Congresbury residents are being asked for their views on proposals for a 20mph zone in the village.