
Bath active travel consultation extended

Bath active travel consultation extended

Residents and businesses now have until after Christmas to respond to plans to create more than 6.2km of improved walking, wheeling and cycling on four proposed routes across Bath.   

Views sought on proposed 20mph zone in Kenn

Views sought on proposed 20mph zone in Kenn

Residents can now have their say on proposed changes to speed limits in Kenn. North Somerset Council proposes to lower the speed limits in Kenn Street and Duck Lane in order to provide a safer and more enjoyable environment for local communities.

Visual of temporary measures at Victoria Street

Trial measures to be installed to make streets in east Bristol quieter and safer

Trial measures to be installed to make streets in east Bristol quieter and safer

Attempts to create a safer, healthier, and greener neighbourhood in East Bristol are set to move forward as measures are installed as part of the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood trial scheme.

BANES article image

Council launches consultation on active travel routes across Bath

Council launches consultation on active travel routes across Bath

Bath & North East Somerset Council is inviting residents, businesses and visitors to share their views on the proposed Bath Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Links (BWWCL) scheme. 

Plimsoll Bridge image for BCC news article 16.10.24

Shaping plans for Western Harbour

Shaping plans for Western Harbour

From 21 October to 15 November people will be asked for their views on initial ideas that will inform where new homes, community spaces, businesses, walking and cycling routes, roads and greenspaces could go within Western Harbour.

West of England Mayor launches new WESTlocal services with free bus travel

West of England Mayor launches new WESTlocal services with free bus travel

Local residents across the region will be able to travel for free as new community-designed WESTlocal bus services hit the roads from Sunday 1 and Monday 2 September onwards. The launch is being marked with two week’s free travel on the eight new bus routes.

