Somer Valley Links improvements

The A37 and A367 Corridor project is being led by the West of England Combined Authority and delivered in partnership with Bath and North East Somerset Council. It aims to improve travel between Midsomer Norton, Radstock, Westfield and Bath via the A367 and Bristol via the A37; through better bus services and enabling more walking and cycling.
The Combined Authority will be putting together proposals for a variety of ways to improve the A37 and A367 corridor. Work will be broken down into phased projects focusing on different sections of the route.
This work is needed because
- There is a huge reliance upon cars along the A37 & A367 and both routes are frequently heavily congested;
- Journey times are too long because buses get stuck in traffic and access to bus stops is hampered by footways being overgrown or non-existent;
- Cycling along the A37/A367 can be challenging, even for confident cyclists due to traffic volumes, including large vehicles, passing close and travelling at high speeds;
- There is also little infrastructure that links cycling and bus services together along these routes making interchange between the two difficult;
- Narrow sections of the A37 through Pensford and Temple Cloud are not wide enough for large vehicles to pass each other, leading to delays for all traffic;
- Farrington Gurney and Temple Cloud have air quality issues;
- Accidents occur on the fast sections and junctions of both routes.
The project aims to
- Enable people to move away from using cars to improve air quality and reduce carbon emissions along the corridor
- Make catching the bus or walking and cycling easier by offering an improved bus service and delivering easy-to-use walking and cycling facilities
- Reduce bus journey times and provide more frequent, reliable bus services
- Create walking and cycling routes which connect to communities along the corridor
- Support opportunities for regeneration and economic growth along the corridor
- Improve options for Park and Ride services
A37 & A367 Corridor Survey
A survey on the A37 & A367 corridor ran from the 22 November 2021 – 9 January 2021. Thank you to everyone who submitted their views. Your responses to the survey will be considered in the development of better bus services, cycling and walking on the A37 & A367 corridor.
More information
- Improving bus services and walking and cycling opportunities in the West of England