Are there people in your neighbourhood interested in cycle maintenance? 

Bristol City Council is looking for community partners to host FREE cycle maintenance sessions across the city. 

  • Partners provide a suitable venue that is accessible to all (a classroom or community hall is usually ideal)
  • Sign up 4-8 learners using their networks
  • Participants bring their own or work on community ‘pool’ cycles with the instructor
  • Sessions can be delivered as four (1 hour) sessions, two (2 hour) sessions or in one half day course.  

This basic introductory course includes: 

  1. M-check and comfort adjustments: How to safety check and adjust the cycle set up to make it more comfortable for you    
  2. Punctures: Removing a wheel and tyre, fixing a puncture, replacing the tyre and the wheel.  
  3. Brakes: An overview on setting up brakes, how to centre and place brake pads and adjusting 
  4. Gears: simple adjustment techniques to make gear changes smoother. 

Apply for a Cycle Maintenance Course

Contact information

Where the course will be held.
We have a suitable venue (community hall or classroom)(Required)
We have 4 – 8 learners ready to sign up(Required)