Travelcards Frequently Asked Questions
Please use this page to find answers to your question. If you are unable to find the answer you’re looking for contact the Travelcards team.
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How do Travelcards work and how to use them
- Online: Order one online now through our website. Your new Travelcard will be sent to you by post within 5 working days.
- First Bristol and Bath travel shop: These are managed by First Bristol and Bath. Please visit the First website to find more information.
- Metrobus iPoint: When purchasing multi journey or multi day tickets (such as a week ticket or a pack of 5 day tickets) at an iPoint these will be provided to you on a Travelcard which can then be registered on our website
Order one online now through our website. Your new Travelcard will be sent to you by post within 5 working days.
To use your Travelcard simply hold the card to the machine on the bus. If you have more than one ticket on your card, advise the driver of which ticket you would like to use.
You cannot use more than one ticket from your card on the same journey (e.g. for yourself and another person accompanying you).
Please note: If you bought your tickets for an existing card rather than a new one, you will need to collect them before use. When buying tickets online, you’ll be able to collect them at a metrobus iPoint 2 hours later, or at Bristol Park & Ride sites and certain buses* from 6am the following day (when ordered before 11pm).
*not First bus, Stagecoach bus and metrobus services.
You cannot use more than one ticket from your card on the same journey (e.g. for yourself and another person accompanying you).
There are several ways you can check which tickets or how much Pay-As-You-Go balance you have on your Travelcard.
- iPoint: Insert your card into an iPoint
- On the bus: Ask the bus driver
- At a First travel shop
New Android App
We now have an Android app available for you to check your tickets or balance (sQuid) on the go. To install, please follow the link below or look for the “Travelwest travelcard checker” app in the Google Play Store.
You’ll need to have NFC enabled on your phone in order to use this app.
If you already own a Travelcard but you have never registered before, please click the ‘Already got a smartcard’ button on the login page of our website to register.
It’s important to register your Travelcard. Registering protects your ticket balance in case your card is lost, stolen, or damaged.*
*Only the ticket balance on the card at the time it is reported online, and a replacement requested, are protected.
First collect your balance at a metrobus iPoint, or on any of the following bus services:
- Abus
- Carmel
- Faresaver
- Somerbus
To use your Pay-As-You-Go balance on the bus simply hold your card to the reader on the bus and inform the driver you wish to buy your ticket with Pay-As-You-Go balance.
To buy tickets at a metrobus iPoint using Pay-As-You-Go simply place the card on the holder, select which ticket you wish to buy and select pay with sQuid.
Have a look at How to use and choose your ticket to find out more.
Buying tickets
Have a look at How to use and choose your ticket.
Yes, you’ll be able to add certain tickets to your Travelcard on the bus* using cash or Pay-As-You-Go balance. Have a look at How to use and choose your ticket to find out which tickets are available on the bus.
*You can’t buy tickets on metrobus services. Metrobus is a buy-before-boarding service.
metrobus is a buy-before-boarding service, which means tickets can only be bought before boarding the bus service. However, there are iPoints available at each metrobus stop which accept bank cards and Pay-As-You-Go payments.
Yes, you can use your online account on this website to add tickets onto the child’s card.
Yes, you can use your online account on this website to load tickets onto someone else’s card. All you need to know is their card number.
Once you add the tickets to their card the same waiting period for collection of tickets apply as the ones detailed on the FAQ When will tickets become available on my Travelcard when I buy online?
- Unused tickets will expire 6 months after purchase.
- Pay-As-You-Go balance will never expire, but administration fees may apply after 12 months. Please visit sQuid for more information.
Costs and terms of use of tickets are set by the individual operators and are out of Travelwest’s control.
Buying online
When buying online, you’ll be able to collect your tickets at a metrobus iPoint 2 hours later, or on the bus* and Bristol Park & Ride sites the following day from 6am (when ordered before 11pm).
*Except First buses and metrobus services.
There are other ways to buy tickets, such as on the bus or at metrobus iPoints. Have a look at our page How to use your Travelcard and choose the right ticket for your journey to see which ones are available.
Credit or Debit. Payment options are displayed as part of the payment process.
- Active tickets are ready to be used.
- Pending tickets are awaiting collection/activation. To do this you must collect your ticket at a metrobus iPoint 2 hours later, at a Bristol Park and Ride site or on bus (except First buses and metrobus services) from 6am the following day (if bought before 11pm the previous day).
- Expired tickets are no longer valid. You cannot re-activate an expired ticket.
You will receive an email confirmation which should be kept as proof of purchase
Have a look at How to use and choose your ticket.
Please visit our Contact Us page.
You card should arrive within 5 working days. If you have been waiting for longer than this, please contact us.
It can take approximately 24 hours for your online account to show any activity on board bus services.
Make sure your Travelcard has the right tickets for your journey, or that you have enough Pay-As-You-Go balance to buy your ticket. You can check this on your online account, on the bus; at a Bristol Park and Ride site or at a metrobus iPoint.
If, after confirming all the above is correct, you are still experiencing problems please contact us.
Please note that if your Travelcard is not working correctly, or if you don’t have a valid ticket or enough money on your card when boarding the bus, you will be asked to pay the correct cash fare to the bus driver.
If you have previously registered your Travelcard, email [email protected] to report it as lost. Tickets or balance in the Travelcard will only become protected once you report it as lost.
If you’ve never registered your lost Travelcard, get a new one by following the instructions on the FAQ How can I get an Adult Travelcard? at the top of this page. If you choose not to order online register your new Travelcard as soon as you get it to protect your balance and tickets against future loss or theft.
Any remaining tickets or balance in an unregistered Travelcard are not protected in case of loss or theft and cannot be transferred to a new Travelcard.
Contact the Travelcards team

Travelwest Travelcards team
For any Travelcard's issues, including the Travelcards portal and lost or stolen cards, please contact the SWSAL helpline. Normal opening hours: 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday.