Service feedback, lost property and other queries
For bus service feedback, lost property or any other queries related to bus services, please contact the bus operator.
Other queries
Bus stops & iPoints, WESTlink, timetables and Park & Ride
Local Authorities and the West of England Combined Authority manage different parts of the region’s bus information and infrastructure. Please use the form below to find out who to send your query to.
If it’s something that our Transport Operations team can help with, you’ll be able to send your query directly to them via this form.
Our Transport Operations team will be able to help with most of your metrobus queries. Please use the form below to find information or to contact the team.

Travelwest Travelcards team
For any Travelcard's issues, including the Travelcards portal and lost or stolen cards, please contact the SWSAL helpline. Normal opening hours: 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday.
- Looking for Concessionary Travelcards instead?
Follow up on a bus comment or complaint
If a bus operator doesn’t deal with your comment or complaint, we suggest contacting Bus Users UK or the Western Traffic Commissioner – both exist to help customers and keep an eye on bus operators. When writing a complaint remember to include time of incident and the route, plus as much detail about what happened as possible.