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Type | Details | Location | Number of spaces |
Cycle Parking | Sheltered parking | North of Buckingham House | 20 |
Cycle Parking | Sheltered parking | North of New Filton House | 30 |
Cycle Parking | Sheltered parking | West of New Filton House | 12 |
Cycle Parking | Sheltered parking | North East of Buckingham House | 4 |
Cycle Parking | Sheltered parking | North of MBDA building | 8 |
Cycle Parking | Sheltered parking | South of MBDA building | 13 |
Cycle Parking | Sheltered parking | South West of Brandon House | 8 |
Cycle Parking | Lock Up | South West of Brandon House | 6 |
Cycle Parking | Sheltered parking | South of New Filton House | 10 |
Cycle Parking | Sheltered parking | East of Blenheim Building | 15 |
Showers | | Building to the west of New Filton House | |
Showers | | New Filton House | |
Showers | | Buckingham House | |
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